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2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
# NixOS Configuration
A full set of configuration files managed via NixOS. This project follows the general structure of https://github.com/tiredofit/nixos-config
2024-03-22 18:18:38 -04:00
[!WARNING] DO NOT DOWNLOAD AND RUN `nixos-rebuild` ON THIS REPOSITORY! These are my personal configuration files. I invite you to look through them, modify them, and take inspiration from them, but if you run `nixos-rebuild`, it _will completely overwrite your current system_!
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
## Running
### Note on secrets management
Secrets are stored in a separate repo called `nix-secrets`, which is included here as a submodule. It gets pulled into the main config via `hosts/common/default.nix`. This is a poor man's secret management solution, but y'know what, it works. These "secrets" will be readable to users on the system with access to the `/nix/store/`, but for single-user systems, it's fine.
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
Initialize the submodule with:
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
git submodule update --init --recursive
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### Upgrading
2024-03-22 18:18:38 -04:00
This config comes with a script for upgrading the system called `nixos-upgrade.sh`. To run this script, just run `nixos-upgrade` or `upgrade`.
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Running this script does three things:
1. Update `flake.lock`
2. Build the new closure and list the updates that will be applied
3. (Optionally) Install the new closure
By default, the script calls `nixos-rebuild boot`. You can change this to switch or any other rebuild operation by passing it as an argument when calling the script, e.g. `nixos-upgrade switch` or `nixos-upgrade test`.
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### Applying the configuration
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
To apply the config for the first time (e.g. on a fresh install), run this command, replacing `Shura` with the name of the host:
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#Shura
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
For subsequent builds, you can omit the hostname:
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
2024-03-22 18:18:38 -04:00
`switch` replaces the running system immediately, or you can use `boot` to only apply the switch during the next reboot.
2024-02-29 09:53:34 -05:00
### Testing
To quickly validate the configuration, create a dry build. This builds the config without actually adding it to the system:
nixos-rebuild dry-build --flake .
To preview changes in a virtual machine, use this command to create a virtual machine image (remove the .qcow2 image after a while, otherwise data persistence might mess things up):
nixos-rebuild build-vm --flake .
## Layout
This config uses two systems: Flakes, and Home-manager.
- Flakes are the entrypoint, via `flake.nix`. This is where you include Flake modules and define Flake-specific options.
- Home-manager configs live in the `users/` folders. Each user gets its own `home-manager.nix` file too.
- Modules are stored in `modules`. All of these files are imported, and you enable the ones you want to use. For example, to install Flatpak, set `host.ui.flatpak.enable = true;`.
- After adding a new module, make sure to `git add` it _and_ `import` it in `default.nix`.
### Adding a host
When adding a host:
1. Create its config in `hosts/hostname/<hostname>.nix`. Add its `hardware-configuration.nix` here too.
2. Reference a profile from `profiles/`. This sets up its base configuration.
3. Include user accounts from `users`.
4. Add any host-specific options,
5. Import it in `/hosts/default.nix`.
6. Run `nixos-rebuild`.
## Features
This Nix config features:
- Flakes
- Home Manager
- AMD and Intel hardware configurations
- Workstation and server base system configurations
- GNOME Desktop environment and KDE integrations
- Boot splash screens via Plymouth
- Secure Boot
- Disk encryption via LUKS
- Custom packages and systemd services (Duplicacy)
- Flatpaks
- Per-user configurations
- Default ZSH shell using Oh My ZSH
2024-03-22 18:18:38 -04:00
- Secrets (in a janky hacky kinda way)