{ config, namespace, osConfig, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ ../../common/git.nix ../../common/gnome.nix ../../common/zsh.nix ]; home = { # The state version is required and should stay at the version you originally installed. stateVersion = "24.05"; # Set environment variables sessionVariables = { KUBECONFIG = "/home/gremlin/.kube/config"; }; # Install packages specific to Gremlin packages = [ pkgs.awscli2 pkgs.unstable.figma-linux ]; # Create .face file file.".face".source = ./face.png; }; programs = { # Let home Manager install and manage itself. home-manager.enable = true; # Set up SSH ssh = { enable = true; matchBlocks = osConfig.${namespace}.secrets.users.gremlin.sshConfig; }; # Set up Zsh zsh = { oh-my-zsh = { theme = "gnzh"; }; }; }; }