#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script to compile Markdown files within a directory into various output formats. # Based on https://github.com/8bitbuddhist/markdown-novel-template draftName="draft" inDir="." outDir="./out" metadataFile="$inDir/metadata.yml" function usage() { echo "Compile a directory of Markdown (.md) files into DOCX, ePub, and PDF files." echo "" echo "Options:" echo " --help Show this help screen." echo " -n, --name [name] The name of this draft." echo " -i, --input [path] Directory containing the files to convert. Defaults to this directory." echo " -o, --output [path] Directory to store the converted files in. Defaults to ./out." echo " -m, --metadata [path] Path to the YAML file containing metadata for pandoc." echo "" exit 0 } # Argument processing logic shamelessly stolen from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/192249/how-do-i-parse-command-line-arguments-in-bash POSITIONAL_ARGS=() while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case "$1" in --draft-name|--name|-n) draftName="$2" shift shift ;; --input|--indir|-i) inDir="$2" shift shift ;; --output|--outdir|-o) outDir="$2" shift shift ;; --metadata|--metadataFile|-m) metadataFile="$2" shift shift ;; --help) usage ;; *) POSITIONAL_ARGS+=("$1") # save positional arg shift ;; esac done set -- "${POSITIONAL_ARGS[@]}" # restore positional parameters # If this is a git repo and no name has been provided, name the draft after the current branch if [ -d ".git" ] && [ "$draftName" = "draft" ]; then draftName=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) fi # Check if this directory already exists outDir="$outDir/${draftName}" if [ -d "$outDir" ]; then echo "The folder $outDir already exists." read -rp "Enter YES to overwrite, or Ctrl-C to cancel: " confirm && [ "$confirm" = "YES" ] || exit 1 fi draftFile="$outDir/${draftName}" echo "Compiling draft \"${draftName}\"..." # Create the draft directory if it doesn't already exist mkdir -p "$outDir" # Initialize merged file echo > "$draftFile".md # Grab content files and add a page break to the end of each one. # Obsidian specifically creates "folder notes," which are named for the directory, so we make sure to exclude it. find "$inDir" -type f -wholename "**.md" ! -name content.md -print0 | sort -z | while read -rd $'\0' file do # Add newline to Markdown doc echo >> "$draftFile".md # Clean up incoming Markdown and append it to final doc sed "s|(../|($inDir/../|g" "$file" >> "$draftFile".md echo "\\newpage" >> "$draftFile".md done # Generate the output files: # Markdown -> DOCX # Markdown -> EPUB # Markdown -> PDF (A4 size) # Markdown -> PDF (B6/Standard book size) pandoc -t docx "$draftFile".md -o "$draftFile".docx --metadata-file "$metadataFile" pandoc -t epub "$draftFile".md -o "$draftFile".epub --metadata-file "$metadataFile" pandoc "$draftFile".md -o "$draftFile"-a4.pdf --metadata-file "$metadataFile" -V geometry:"a4paper" -V fontsize:"12pt" pandoc "$draftFile".md -o "$draftFile"-b6.pdf --metadata-file "$metadataFile" -V geometry:"b6paper" -V fontsize:"10pt" echo "Done! Your new draft is in $outDir"