{ pkgs, home-manager, lib, config, ... }: let cfg = config.services.forgejo; forgejo-cli = pkgs.writeScriptBin "forgejo-cli" '' #!${pkgs.runtimeShell} cd ${cfg.stateDir} sudo=exec if [[ "$USER" != forgejo ]]; then sudo='exec /run/wrappers/bin/sudo -u ${cfg.user} -g ${cfg.group} --preserve-env=GITEA_WORK_DIR --preserve-env=GITEA_CUSTOM' fi # Note that these variable names will change export GITEA_WORK_DIR=${cfg.stateDir} export GITEA_CUSTOM=${cfg.customDir} $sudo ${lib.getExe cfg.package} "$@" ''; start-haven = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "start-haven" (builtins.readFile ./start-haven.sh); subdomains = map (subdomain: subdomain + ".${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}") [ "code" "music" ]; in { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; system.stateVersion = "24.05"; system.autoUpgrade.enable = lib.mkForce false; host = { role = "server"; apps.development.kubernetes.enable = true; services = { apcupsd.enable = true; duplicacy-web = { enable = true; autostart = false; environment = "${config.users.users.aires.home}"; }; msmtp.enable = true; }; users = { aires = { enable = true; services = { syncthing = { enable = true; autostart = false; }; }; }; media.enable = true; }; }; # TLS certificate renewal via Let's Encrypt security.acme = { acceptTerms = true; defaults = { email = "${config.secrets.users.aires.email}"; }; certs."${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}" = { dnsProvider = "namecheap"; extraDomainNames = subdomains; webroot = null; # Prevents an assertion error credentialFiles = { "NAMECHEAP_API_USER_FILE" = "${pkgs.writeText "namecheap-api-user" '' ${config.secrets.networking.namecheap.api.user} ''}"; "NAMECHEAP_API_KEY_FILE" = "${pkgs.writeText "namecheap-api-key" '' ${config.secrets.networking.namecheap.api.key} ''}"; }; }; }; # /var/lib/acme/.challenges must be writable by the ACME user # and readable by the Nginx user. The easiest way to achieve # this is to add the Nginx user to the ACME group. users.users.nginx.extraGroups = [ "acme" ]; users.users.airsonic.extraGroups = [ "media" ]; services = { nginx = { enable = true; # Use recommended settings per https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nginx#Hardened_setup_with_TLS_and_HSTS_preloading recommendedGzipSettings = true; recommendedOptimisation = true; #recommendedProxySettings = true; # Recommended settings break Airsonic recommendedTlsSettings = true; virtualHosts = { # Base URL: make sure we've got Let's Encrypt running challenges here, and all other requests going to HTTPS "${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}" = { # Catchall vhost, will redirect users to HTTPS for all vhosts default = true; enableACME = true; #serverAliases = subdomains; locations."/" = { return = "301 https://$host$request_uri"; }; }; # Forgejo "code.${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}" = { useACMEHost = "${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}"; forceSSL = true; listen = [ { port = 443; addr = ""; ssl = true; } ]; locations."/" = { proxyPass = ""; proxyWebsockets = true; # needed if you need to use WebSocket extraConfig = # required when the target is also TLS server with multiple hosts "proxy_ssl_server_name on;"; }; }; # Airsonic "music.${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}" = { useACMEHost = "${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}"; forceSSL = true; listen = [ { port = 443; addr = ""; ssl = true; } ]; locations."/" = { proxyPass = ""; proxyWebsockets = true; # needed if you need to use WebSocket }; }; }; }; # Enable Airsonic-Advanced (music streaming) airsonic = { enable = true; war = "${ (pkgs.callPackage ../../packages/airsonic-advanced.nix { inherit lib; }) }/webapps/airsonic-advanced.war"; port = 4040; jre = pkgs.jdk17_headless; jvmOptions = [ "-Dserver.use-forward-headers=true" "-Xmx4G" ]; home = "/storage/services/airsonic-advanced"; }; # Enable BOINC (distributed research computing) boinc = { enable = true; package = pkgs.boinc-headless; dataDir = "/var/lib/boinc"; extraEnvPackages = [ pkgs.ocl-icd ]; }; # Enable Forgejo / Gitea (code repository) forgejo = { enable = true; stateDir = "/storage/services/forgejo"; # Enable support for Git Large File Storage lfs.enable = true; settings = { server = { DOMAIN = "${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}"; ROOT_URL = "https://code.${config.secrets.networking.primaryDomain}/"; HTTP_PORT = 3000; SSH_PORT = config.secrets.services.forgejo.sshPort; }; }; useWizard = true; }; # Enable SSH openssh = { enable = true; ports = [ config.secrets.hosts.haven.ssh.port ]; settings = { # require public key authentication for better security PasswordAuthentication = false; KbdInteractiveAuthentication = false; PubkeyAuthentication = true; PermitRootLogin = "without-password"; }; }; # TODO: VPN (Check out Wireguard) }; # Configure services systemd.services = { # Airsonic: Disable autostart and set environment variables. Started via start-haven script airsonic = { wantedBy = lib.mkForce [ ]; }; # Foregejo: Disable autostart. Started via start-haven script forgejo = { wantedBy = lib.mkForce [ ]; }; # Nginx: Disable autostart. Started via start-haven script nginx = { wantedBy = lib.mkForce [ ]; wants = [ "airsonic.service" "forgejo.service" ]; }; }; # Open ports networking.firewall = { enable = true; allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 443 ]; }; # Add extra packages: # 1: forgejo CLI tool # 2: Haven's startup script environment.systemPackages = [ forgejo-cli start-haven ]; # Allow Haven to be a build target for other architectures (mainly ARM64) boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ]; }