#!/usr/bin/env bash # Script to install a brand new NixOS installation. # Formats the drive provided, then runs nixos-install. set -e # Configuration parameters ask_root_password=true # Prompt for a root user password flakeDir="." # Where the flake.nix file is stored boot_drive="/dev/disk/by-uuid/whatever" # The drive to install the bootloader to root_drive="/dev/disk/by-id/whatever" # The partition to install NixOS to if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi cryptsetup --allow-discards --label=nixos-crypt --type=luks2 luksFormat $root_drive cryptsetup luksOpen $root_drive nixos-crypt mount /dev/mapper/nixos-crypt /mnt mkfs.btrfs -L nixos /mnt btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@ btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@home btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@log btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@nix btrfs subvolume create /mnt/@swap umount /mnt mount -o subvol=@ $root_drive /mnt mkdir -p /mnt/{boot,home,var/log,nix,swap} mount $boot_drive /mnt/boot mount -o subvol=@home $root_drive /mnt/home mount -o subvol=@log $root_drive /var/log mount -o subvol=@nix $root_drive /mnt/nix mount -o subvol=@swap $root_drive /mnt/swap # Create swapfile btrfs filesystem mkswapfile --size $(free -h --si | grep Mem: | awk '{print $2}') --uuid clear /mnt/swap/swapfile nixos-install --verbose --root /mnt --flake $flakeDir $( (( ask_root_password == false )) && echo "--no-root-password" ) exit 0