# Auto-import modules in this folder, recursively. # Sourced from https://github.com/evanjs/nixos_cfg/blob/4bb5b0b84a221b25cf50853c12b9f66f0cad3ea4/config/new-modules/default.nix { lib, ... }: with lib; let # Recursively constructs an attrset of a given folder, recursing on directories, value of attrs is the filetype getDir = dir: mapAttrs (file: type: if type == "directory" then getDir "${dir}/${file}" else type) ( builtins.readDir dir ); # Collects all files of a directory as a list of strings of paths files = dir: collect isString (mapAttrsRecursive (path: type: concatStringsSep "/" path) (getDir dir)); # Filters out directories that belong to home-manager, and don't end with .nix or are this file. # Also, make the strings absolute validFiles = dir: map (file: ./. + "/${file}") ( filter (file: !hasInfix "home-manager" file && file != "autoimport.nix" && hasSuffix ".nix" file) ( files dir ) ); in { imports = validFiles ./.; }