Fork 0

139 lines
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{ config, pkgs, ... }:
# Do not change this value! This tracks when NixOS was installed on your system.
stateVersion = "24.05";
hostName = "Shura";
# Copy bluetooth device configs
shure-aonic-bluetooth = pkgs.writeText "info" (
builtins.readFile ./bluetooth/shure-aonic-bluetooth-params
mano-touchpad-bluetooth = pkgs.writeText "info" (
builtins.readFile ./bluetooth/mano-touchpad-bluetooth-params
vitrix-pdp-pro-bluetooth = pkgs.writeText "info" (
builtins.readFile ./bluetooth/vitrix-pdp-pro-params
# Use gremlin user's monitor configuration for GDM (desktop monitor primary). See https://discourse.nixos.org/t/gdm-monitor-configuration/6356/4
monitorsXmlContent = builtins.readFile ./monitors.xml;
monitorsConfig = pkgs.writeText "gdm_monitors.xml" monitorsXmlContent;
imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ];
system.stateVersion = stateVersion;
networking.hostName = hostName;
custom-fonts.Freight-Pro.enable = true;
aux.system = {
apps = {
development.enable = true;
dj.enable = true;
gaming.enable = true;
media.enable = true;
office.enable = true;
recording.enable = true;
social.enable = true;
writing.enable = true;
# Configure the bootloader.
bootloader = {
enable = true;
secureboot.enable = true;
tpm2.enable = true;
# Change the default text editor. Options are "emacs", "nano", or "vim".
editor = "nano";
# Enable GPU support.
gpu.amd.enable = true;
packages = with pkgs; [
boinc # Boinc client
keepassxc # Use native instead of Flatpak due to weird performance issues
# Enable support for primary RAID array (just in case)
raid.storage.enable = true;
# Keep old generations for two weeks.
retentionPeriod = "14d";
services = {
# Run daily automatic updates.
autoUpgrade = {
enable = true;
configDir = config.secrets.nixConfigFolder;
onCalendar = "daily";
user = config.users.users.aires.name;
netdata = {
# Disabled until I get Nginx configured to provide a streaming endpoint
enable = false;
type = "child";
url = config.secrets.services.netdata.url;
auth.apiKey = config.secrets.services.netdata.apiKey;
# Install virtual machine management tools
virtualization = {
enable = true;
host = {
user = "aires";
vmBuilds = {
enable = true;
cores = 4;
ram = 4096;
ui = {
flatpak = {
# Enable Flatpak support.
enable = true;
# Define Flatpak packages to install.
packages = [
useBindFS = true;
desktops.gnome = {
enable = true;
experimental.fractionalScaling.enable = true;
users = {
aires = {
enable = true;
services.syncthing.enable = true;
gremlin = {
enable = true;
services.syncthing.enable = true;
# Move files into target system
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
# Use gremlin user's monitor config for GDM (defined above)
"L+ /run/gdm/.config/monitors.xml - - - - ${monitorsConfig}"
# Install Bluetooth device profiles
"d /var/lib/bluetooth/AC:50:DE:9F:AB:88/ 0700 root root" # First, make sure the directory exists
"L+ /var/lib/bluetooth/AC:50:DE:9F:AB:88/00:0E:DD:72:2F:0C/info - - - - ${shure-aonic-bluetooth}"
"L+ /var/lib/bluetooth/AC:50:DE:9F:AB:88/F8:5D:3C:7D:9A:00/info - - - - ${mano-touchpad-bluetooth}"
"L+ /var/lib/bluetooth/AC:50:DE:9F:AB:88/00:34:30:47:37:AB/info - - - - ${vitrix-pdp-pro-bluetooth}"