Fork 0

261 lines
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# Do not change this value! This tracks when NixOS was installed on your system.
stateVersion = "24.11";
hostName = "Hevana";
# Where to store service files
services-root = "/storage/services";
# Credentials for interacting with the Namecheap API
namecheapCredentials = {
"NAMECHEAP_API_USER_FILE" = "${pkgs.writeText "namecheap-api-user" ''
"NAMECHEAP_API_KEY_FILE" = "${pkgs.writeText "namecheap-api-key" ''
# List of subdomains to add to the TLS certificate
subdomains = with config.secrets.services; [
imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ];
system.stateVersion = stateVersion;
networking.hostName = hostName;
###*** Configure your system below this line. ***###
# Set your time zone.
# To see all available timezones, run `timedatectl list-timezones`.
time.timeZone = "America/New_York";
# Build Nix packages for other hosts.
# Runs every day at 4 AM
systemd = {
services."build-hosts" = {
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
User = "root";
path = config.aux.system.corePackages;
script = ''
cd ${config.secrets.nixConfigFolder}
nixos-rebuild build --flake .#Khanda
timers."build-hosts" = {
wants = [ "network-online.target" ];
after = [ "network-online.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
timerConfig = {
OnCalendar = "04:00";
Persistent = true;
Unit = "build-hosts.service";
# Disable NetworkManager
networking.networkmanager.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# Configure the system.
aux.system = {
# Enable to allow unfree (e.g. closed source) packages.
# Some settings may override this (e.g. enabling Nvidia GPU support).
# https://nixos.org/manual/nixpkgs/stable/#sec-allow-unfree
allowUnfree = true;
# Enable Secure Boot support.
bootloader = {
enable = true;
secureboot.enable = true;
tpm2.enable = true;
# Change the default text editor. Options are "emacs", "nano", or "vim".
editor = "nano";
# Enable GPU support.
gpu.amd.enable = true;
# Enable support for primary RAID array
raid.storage = {
enable = true;
keyFile = config.secrets.devices.storage.keyFile.path;
mailAddr = config.secrets.users.aires.email;
# Change how long old generations are kept for.
retentionPeriod = "30d";
services = {
acme = {
enable = true;
defaultEmail = config.secrets.users.aires.email;
certs = {
"${config.secrets.networking.domains.primary}" = {
dnsProvider = "namecheap";
extraDomainNames = subdomains;
webroot = null; # Required in order to prevent a failed assertion
credentialFiles = namecheapCredentials;
"${config.secrets.networking.domains.blog}" = {
dnsProvider = "namecheap";
webroot = null; # Required in order to prevent a failed assertion
credentialFiles = namecheapCredentials;
apcupsd = {
enable = true;
configText = builtins.readFile ./etc/apcupsd.conf;
autoUpgrade = {
enable = true;
pushUpdates = true; # Update automatically and push updates back up to Forgejo
configDir = config.secrets.nixConfigFolder;
onCalendar = "daily";
user = config.users.users.aires.name;
boinc = {
enable = false;
home = "${services-root}/boinc";
duplicacy-web = {
enable = true;
home = "/storage/backups/settings/Haven";
forgejo = {
enable = true;
home = "${services-root}/forgejo";
url = config.secrets.services.forgejo.url;
actions = {
enable = false;
token = config.secrets.services.forgejo.runner-token;
home-assistant = {
enable = false;
home = "${services-root}/home-assistant";
url = config.secrets.services.home-assistant.url;
jellyfin = {
enable = true;
home = "${services-root}/jellyfin";
url = config.secrets.services.jellyfin.url;
languagetool = {
enable = true;
url = config.secrets.services.languagetool.url;
port = 8090;
auth.user = config.secrets.services.languagetool.auth.user;
auth.password = config.secrets.services.languagetool.auth.password;
ngrams.enable = true;
msmtp = {
enable = true;
accounts.default = {
host = config.secrets.services.msmtp.host;
user = config.secrets.services.msmtp.user;
password = config.secrets.services.msmtp.password;
auth = true;
tls = true;
tls_starttls = true;
port = 587;
from = "${config.networking.hostName}@${config.secrets.networking.domains.primary}";
aliases = {
text = ''
default: ${config.secrets.users.aires.email}
mode = "0644";
netdata = {
enable = true;
type = "parent";
url = config.secrets.services.netdata.url;
auth = {
user = config.users.users.aires.name;
password = config.secrets.services.netdata.password;
apiKey = config.secrets.services.netdata.apiKey;
nginx = {
enable = true;
virtualHosts = {
"${config.secrets.networking.domains.primary}" = {
default = true;
enableACME = true; # Enable Let's Encrypt
locations."/" = {
# Catchall vhost, will redirect users to Forgejo
return = "301 https://${config.secrets.services.forgejo.url}";
"${config.secrets.networking.domains.blog}" = {
useACMEHost = config.secrets.networking.domains.blog;
forceSSL = true;
root = "${services-root}/nginx/sites/${config.secrets.networking.domains.blog}";
"${config.secrets.services.gremlin-lab.url}" = {
useACMEHost = config.secrets.networking.domains.primary;
forceSSL = true;
locations."/" = {
proxyPass = "http://${config.secrets.services.gremlin-lab.ip}";
proxyWebsockets = true;
extraConfig = "proxy_ssl_server_name on;";
qbittorrent = {
enable = true;
home = "${services-root}/qbittorrent";
url = config.secrets.services.qbittorrent.url;
port = "8090";
vpn = {
enable = true;
privateKey = config.secrets.services.protonvpn.privateKey;
ssh = {
enable = true;
ports = [ config.secrets.hosts.dimaga.ssh.port ];
virtualization.host = {
enable = true;
user = "aires";
vmBuilds = {
enable = true;
cores = 3;
ram = 4096;
users.aires = {
enable = true;
services = {
syncthing = {
enable = true;
home = "${services-root}/syncthing/aires";