# NixOS on T2 Macs This is the `nixos-hardware` module of the [T2 Linux Project](https://t2linux.org). Overall, most features (WiFi, bluetooth, audio, touchbar, ...) of Macs are supported, [see this page](https://wiki.t2linux.org/state/) for a detailed list of things that work and things that don't/partially work. Following [this guide](https://wiki.t2linux.org/distributions/nixos/installation/) is the recommended way to install, as it incudes the extra things you have to do on a T2 Mac. You can consult the [wiki](https://wiki.t2linux.org/) for information specific to T2 Macs. ## Unlocking Internal iGPU The `apple-set-os-loader-installer.nix` module serves as an installer for the [`apple-set-os-loader`](https://github.com/Redecorating/apple_set_os-loader). This tool is designed to unlock the internal integrated GPU (iGPU) on certain MacBooks. See https://wiki.t2linux.org/guides/hybrid-graphics/ for more details. ### What it Does: Upon activation, this module performs the following: - Renames the existing `BOOTX64.EFI` file to `bootx64_original.efi`. - Installs the `apple-set-os-loader` hook in its place as `bootx64.efi`. - Before the system boots the hook unlocks the iGPU and subsequently calls the original `bootx64_original.efi`. ### How to Implement: 1. **Integrate the apple-set-os-loader installer** into your `configuration.nix`: ``` imports = [ ... "${builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-hardware.git"; }}/apple/t2/apple-set-os-loader-installer.nix" ]; ``` 2. **Rebuild your system**: ``` sudo nixos-rebuild switch ``` > **Note**: Always ensure compatibility and make backups of your data before making any system changes.